Monday, August 30, 2004


Sorry, folks! It's been a while since my last update. I am sure you're wondering where I've been. Actually, I've been competing in the Chemotherapy Olympics. You're probably wondering which event I'm competing in.... it's the decathalon, of course! Below is a listing of the events that I have completed so far:

-Throat and gum swelling
-Fever and chills

More events to come!


Mail Clerk said...

well, you're no bronze medalist. stick in there and bring the country back a gold. we puke more by 10 am than most countries puke all day! U-S-A! U-S-A!

Legal Bitch said...

This post makes me proud to be an American! No one can take the gold from you Sarah!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you get the gold medal for having the Donnell/Helwick butt venue. Go Go Mineral Oil
Love Mom

Anonymous said...

I think it's great that you can represent the USA by using your talents. Is constipation really a talent...if so then I've definately entered a few competitions myself. Hope your bum feels better.

cheekdog said...

so glad you keep are a true inspiration! you should be famous!!!

Jamie said...

I am a afraid I don't want to compete. Been keeping track for a while. Went through much of this with my mom 8 years ago. I hope this blog thing helps a bit.