Earlier this year, I was doing my BSE (Breast self-examination), and I found a lump. It really didn't concern me since I have lumpy-booby disease (AKA Fibrocystic disease) and I've had a biopsy before that turned out to be nothing. I decided to wait until my yearly examination with my gyno.
When I met with my gynecologist, she referred my to my surgeon, Dr. Cannon, to have it checked out. He suggested that I get an ultrasound. The radiologist said that it looked benign and that I shouldn't worry since I'm so young. (For those of you that don't know me, I am 25).
I met with Dr. Cannon after the ultrasound. The final report from the radiologist said that my suspicious lump was "definitely as cyst." Dr. Cannon decided to do a needle biopsy (Ouch!) just to make sure it was a fluid-filled cyst. Well, it wasn't. He did capture some tissue during the needle biopsy, and had it sent to the pathologist for testing. It turned out that they found "atypical cells," and that I needed to have surgery to have it removed.
As I slowly awoke from the wonderful drugs (undoubtedly the best part about surgery), I saw the blue blur of Dr. Cannon next to me. He told be that I had breast cancer. I responded with, "OK, great. Thank you so much" (drugs talking). I remember feeling like I wanted to cry but I didn't because I was still hoping that it was a drug-induced dream. When they rolled me into the recovery room, and I saw everyone's faces, I knew it wasn't a dream.
That was a month ago, and since then, I've had another surgery to remove and check my lymph nodes. Just 2 out of 21 had cancer in it. Next week I have a number of tests before I can start chemotherapy.
Again, welcome to my blog. I hope that my friends and family with use this blog to track my progress. And, I hope that other women with breast cancer will use this blog as a resource and much-needed comic relief. Enjoy and check back!